Tuesday 5 February 2013

Langenhovenpark Bloemfontein!!!

This Blog is all about Langenhovenpark and Bloemfontein Properties! When coming to Bloemfontein, there’s a saying! “ Jy huil as jy Bloemfontein toe kom, maar jy huil as jy moet weg trek” That true, believe it or not.


I love being in Bloemfontein, is it something in the air, water? Who Knows?

Langenhovenpark have been the suburb I have been living in for the last couple of years.


I had to convince my wife that Langenhovenpark will creep in to her heart…. It took some convincing, but it paid of. She would be the last person packing her bags to move some where else.


This area is my preference area to sell property in. One of the main reasons starting this blog is to give the readers out there a chance to see what’s happening in Langenhovenpark, and of course Bloemfontein. Some property trends and news will be added. The info might help you make a final choice when buying property in Bloemfontein……